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domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

La realidad real

Acabo de encontrar un documental, que me parecio interesante, espero que esten listos para conocer la verdadera verdad.


viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007

La filosofia de la Web

martes, 16 de octubre de 2007

Preguntas para certificación en Sap BW

Estas son unas muestras del estilo de preguntas que podemos encontrar en el examen para la certificación en Sap Bw.

What are the types of Geo-characteristics?
a) dynamic
b) dynamic w/attributes
c) static
d) static w/ geo-attributes
e) hyrbid

Does a multi-cube contain data?
a) No
b) Yes

BEx analyzer is restricted by the rows and column restrictions of what?
a) 256 columns and 256 rows
b) the # of columns and the # of columns in the query
c) limitations are defined by the limitations of excel

What methods are available for data transportation methods?
a) iDOC
b) tRFC
c) MDX
d) file replication

What types of flat files are acceptable to import into BW?
b) CSV

CO/PA naming convention is based on?
a) operating concern, client, system id

What are included in a user's favorites?
a) web addresses
b) transactions
c) workbooks
d) intranet addresses
e) office documents

LIS extraction, what needs to be in place before generating the Datasource?
a) LIS needs to be activated on the source, name space needs to be defined, data needs to be in delta queue

You can create variables for the following?
a) characteristics
b) formulas
c) hierarchies
d) texts

What does OLE stand for?
a) Object linking and embedding

BEx map layers?
a) there is only 1 layer
b) there is more than 1 layer
c) all layers are visible at all times

What functionality is in the LO cockpit?

What are the steps are necessary for creating Geo-characteristic?

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007

Musica para Orates

Me gusta Narada, mis amigos dicen que suena como villancicos, (Y es que narada tambien interpreta unos villancicos que usan en las tiendas departamentales en navidad y que tambien me gustan), a esto algunos le llaman "new age" aun que ya tiene tantos años que salieron, que ya debe exister algo asi como post new age.

En el siguiente video podemos escuchar Narada Nut cracker, es una lastima que con la voz de los comentaristas no se pueda escuchar solo la musica.

Alguna ves me pregunto una amiga: "¿Por que te gusta ese tipo de musica?" a lo que respondi: "La musica de Narada tiene un alma, en esta musica hay algo... ¿me entiendes?", ella simplemente me miro como si estuviera loco, y me dijo "no, no te entiendo...", entonces nos pusimos a escuchar la musica que a ella le gustaba, era musica que yo relacionaba con el mundo real, con las calles sucias de mi ciudad, con las micros, con mi falta de habilidad para bailar musica guapachosa, en cambio mi musica la relaciono con los sueños, con la fantasia, y todavia mas, hasta con mis ideales.

No vean el video, pues es de un videojuego, solo escuchen la musica, Cristofori´s dream de David Lanz, quiza alguien si capte a que me refiria con "la musica tiene un alma"

Song of Ocarina, Phil Paris, Diego Modena

En Song of Ocarina, La musica es toda una mescolanza!, es como una conversación musical de ritmos y melodias del mundo a ritmo de regaee!, el video de las chicas bailando es terrible, prefiero solo escuchar la musica.

Tambien me gusta Vangelis.

Y Yanni

Esta me pone a llorar, como a mis amigos las de Chente Fernandez cuando estan ya bien jarras, este tipo siempre hecha un choro en sus conciertos, el dialogo entre los instrumentos occidentales y orientales es muy emocionante, quiza yo este loco, pero como que siento que la melodia me dice, "no importa cuan mal ande todo, sigue avanzando!"

Keys of imagination

Es como una historia primero triste y de pronto te sube el animo!, para mi Yanni es como un mago de las emociones!, aun que hay veces que su musica es tan emotiva que parece fondo de telenovela.

Return to innocence, Enigma

Now we are free de Lisa Gerrard

Escuchar a esta mujer cantando, invocando las fuerzas oscuras del mal es realmente inspirador!

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2007

Aprender con estilo

Aprender, cuantas cosas por aprender... alguna vez intente apuntar en mi palm todas las cosas de las que me enteraba, me parecian interesantes y no sabia nada sobre ellas, muy pronto sature la memoria de mi pda.

Yo creo que la manera ideal de aprender seria que de alguna forma te pudieran crear un folder compartido en tu memoria intracraneal y pudieras subir lo necesario para los proximos examenes, mientras eso sucede, he recopilado algunos recursos para el estudiante practico.

El internet tambien sirve para educarte:

En la siguiente link, hay videos de clases de la universidad berkeley (si, la misma donde se genero el bsd unix!, ¿no es fabuloso?), hay que ver como los alumnos ni se inmutan cuando enfrente de ellos se electrocuta el profesor de fisica en una demostración sobre la energia electrica.

los Gadgets para un estilo de vida freaky

Ah, la felicidad! pero no es la meta, y no hay que luchar por ella, simplemente hay que ser feliz en el aqui y en el ahora. pero mientras que obtengo tan alto grado de iluminación, bien puedo seguir ganado experiencia y consiguiendo los materiales, software para construir cosas como estas:

Quiero una mesa como estas:

Tambien quiero un video juego como estos, para divertirme con mis amigos, aun que siempre me ganen mis amigos.

Para no dejar dormir a los vecinos, necesitare algo como esto:

Como mascota, quisiera un aibo, ademas de que podria realizar estudios sobre algoritmos de aprendisaje en inteligencia artificial

Videos locos de la Tv de Japon

Concurso japones en la tv

Por fin aprendi a anudarme la corbata!

Y eso a nosotros que nos importa, fue la respuesta de todos mis elegantes compañeros de trabajo que practicamente nacieron con estas habilidades sociales, pero yo en cambio, me vi en la necesidad de buscar como loco en youtube algun video que me pudiera ayudar...

Primer visitante, descubre un error en el Captcha!

Agradecemos sinseramente a nuestro primer visitante!, Joss! el que ya colaboro con nosotros descubriendo un error en el sistema de captcha, (la verificación por medio de una imagen que el usuario tiene que capturar antes de registrarse, que nos protege de el spam)

Por ahora he desactivado esta funcionalidad, para que los amigos puedan registrarse, pero tendre que verificar el modulo de php que genera estas imagenes.

Saludos y Gracias!

El sistema operativo OpenBSD alternativa funcional y muy segura.

En este articulo, se desarrollara una guia paso a paso para configurar un servidor con los servicios basicos, Web, ftp y email, con seguridad que nos brinda el OpenBSD.

OpenBSD es un sistema operativo de codigo abierto pariente mas cercano de Unix que el mismo linux, es multiplataforma, basado en la versión 4.4 de BSD, Es un descendiente de NetBSD pero enfocado especialmente en la seguridad y la criptografia.

Este sistema operativo se concentra en la portabilidad, cumplimiento de normas y regulaciones, corrección, seguridad proactiva y criptografía integrada. OpenBSD incluye emulación de binarios para la mayoría de los programas de los sistemas Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS sunOs y Hp-UX.

De esta distribución fue la pionera en el Ssh, lo que ya es estandar en todos los sistemas operativas para dar un servicio de terminal remoto pero con seguridad por medio de criptografia.

Ingredientes para la receta:

  1. Bajar el iso de OpenBSD con windows
  2. Como validar que el archivo o los archivos bajaron bien
  3. Instalación
  4. Particionar el disco en un sistema basado en BSD
  5. Configurando servidores
  6. Apache y MySql
  7. Ftp seguro
  8. Reforzando todavia mas la seguridad despues de instalar el software.
Como instalar OpenBSD 5.9
En la siguiente Url, puedes encontrar todos los mirrors que contienen los isos y los archivos necesarios para instalarlo.

Configuraciones importantes que hacer despues de instalar

Conectar al internet.

El arbol de ports

Configurando OpenBSD
Juego Air Trafic controler

Agregando paquetes

Para cerrar la maquina, o para apagarla, usa el comando halt -p
para reiniciar la maquina, usa el comando reboot

Usando el editor de texto instalado por default, es el regreso a la prehistoria de los editores de texto, como varios otros editores de cuando los dinosaurios todavia rugian sobre una tierra llena de volcanes en erupcion, se tienen varios modos, el modo de insercion, que es oprimiendo la tecla i minuscula, en este modo casi todas las teclas que oprimamos se insertaran en el archivo de texto, para salir de este modo y regresar al modo de comando se oprime la tecla esc, en el modo de comando, se puede mover el cursor y si por ejemplo necesitas borrar una letra bajo el cursos oprime x, luego cuando termines de editar el texto puedes oprimir ZZ en mayuscula, para guardar los cambios, para cancelar los cambios debes entrar el comando :q!
Los ports y los packages de OpenBSD, (Software listo para usar)

Los distintos ftp donde encuentras los paquetes e imagenes de OpenBSD

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

El que domina la mente, lo domina todo!

Pero como diria el buen solin:
¿ y para que quiero dominar todo, si ni siquiera puedo dominar mi propia mente?

Hay dos cosas basicas necesarias para mantener tu cerebro agil y saludable, variedad y curiosidad, CUando algo que haces se converte en tu segunda naturalesa, necesitas hacer un cambio, si puedes resolver un crucigrama mientras tomas la siesta, es tiempo de que busques nuevos retos de forma de ejercitar tu cerebro. la curiosidad sobre el mundo que te rodea, como funciona y como puedes entenderlo, mantendra a tu cerebro funcionando rapido y eficientemente, puedes usar las siguientes ideas

1. Leer un libro

Toma un libro de un tema nuevo. Lee una novela sobre egipto. aprender sobre economia. Hay muchos libros de no ficción que te pueden entretener mientras que aprendes sobre un tema. Conviertete en un experto mienttras aprendes algo nuevo cada semana. desviate de tus temas favoritos, si usualmente lees libros de historia, intenta leyendo un libro sobre un tema contemporaneo. lee libros de autores extranjeros, los clasicos o lee un tema aleatorio aprende sobre otros periodos de la historia, cultura y gente tendras historias interesantes que contar en tus conversaciones.

2. Jugar
Games are a wonderful way to tease and challenge your brain. Suduko, crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain’s speed and memory. These games rely on logic, word skills, math and more. These games are also fun. You’ll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day-spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.

3 Tira tu calculadora,
Aprender a hacer calculo mental rapido!

4. Usar la siniestra
O si eres surdo la diestra!, Spend the day doing things with your non-dominant hand. If you are left-handed, open doors with your right hand. If you are right-handed, try using your keys with your left. This simple task will cause your brain to lay down some new pathways and rethink daily tasks. Wear your watch on the opposite hand to remind you to switch.
5. Aprender Numeros Telefonicos. Nuestros telefonos ahora recuerdan todos los numeros, muy poca gente intenta aprenderse de memoria los numeros, pero esto puede ser una gran habilidad, aprende un nuevo numero telefonico con el sistema mayor
6. Alimento para tu cerebro
Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats. Eliminate transfats completely from your diet.
7. Rompe la rutina
Tenemos hobbies y pasatiempos que podriamos hacer por horas, pero entre mas una cosa es ya parte de nuestros habiltos, el cerebro trabaja mucho menos, para realmente ayudar al cerebro a permanecer joven, tienes que retarlo, cambia la ruta a la tienda, esto forsara al cerebro a despertar salir de los habitos y poner atención otra vez.
8. Hazlo de una forma diferente
Drive or walk a different way to wherever you go. This little change in routine helps the brain practice special memory and directions. Try different side streets go through stores in a different order anything to change your route.
9. Listas y Listos
Hacer listas nos puede hacer mas listos, hacer listas nos ayuda a asociar elementos con otros, Make a list of all the places you have traveled. Make a list of the tastiest foods you have eaten. Make a list of the best presents you have been given. Make one list every day to jog your memory and make new connections. But don’t become too reliant on them. Make your grocery list, but then try to shop without it. Use the list once you have put every item you can think of in your cart. Do the same with your “to do” lists.
10. Adquirir una nueva habilidad
Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain. Your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook and building an airplane out of tooth picks all will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.
Busca algo que te cautive y que puedas hacer facilmente en tu casa y que no cueste demasiado como por ejemplo: fotografia con camara digital, aprender a dibujar, aprender un instrumento musical nuevos estilos de cocina, o aprender a escribir son buenas opciones

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2007

Salud, divino tesoro

Para hacerte rico, nunca arriesges tu salud, por que la riqueza mas grande es la salud.-Richard Barker

El que disfruta de buena salud, es rico, aun que no lo sepa.-Provervio italiano

La primera riqueza es la salud (no funciona como pun en espanish) .-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not convinced yet? There are plenty of studies tying health to wealth (and vice versa), on a national and a personal level. Rest assured, though, this isn't The Secret. If you really want to know a secret, here's one: But that's another thought for another post. Instead, here are some tried and true suggestions for feeling better.

1. Stretch and strengthen your hamstrings.
In a society where many of us sit for hours at a time, the hamstrings don't get either the exercise or the stretching that they need to hold it all together. Do you suffer from lower back pain? Mid-to upper back pain? Knee problems? Hip aches? Ankle soreness? All of these can be tied to weak and/or tight hamstrings. Here are some stretches and here are some ideas for strengthening your hamstrings at home. You should feel both the stretching and the strengthening immediately in your lower back, though it may take 2-3 weeks to see results other places.
2. Drink water.
I KNOW you've heard this a million times. I've heard it a million times. But it's true. We all know that drinking water helps flush toxins from the body and keeps the kidneys healthy, but did you know that staying hydrated will help eyes stay moist, sinuses drain, stomachs digest better, skin stay soft, nails and hair grow healthily, brain synapses connact better, and blood cells fight off infection? It's all true.
3. Spend some time every day in silence.
Some people like to meditate, but some continue with their daily tasks, just without the noise. Most of us are so accustomed to the sounds aroud us--the air conditioning, the typing of the employees around us, people talking in meetings--that we don't realize how tired it makes us. Noise can make it harder to breathe and harder for the heart to beat. Noise can make it hard for us to sleep. It can even make us more aggressive. But a few minutes a day of silence helps our brain to relax and find equilibrium again.
4. Make yourself comfortable.
For me, this one is a little more intuitive than some of the others. Not only will we avoid repetitive stress injuries if we take the time to make our workstations ergonomically correct, but we will be happier if we are wearing clothes and shoes that are comfortable. And, as I'll detail later on, happines correlates positively with health . Apparently, we also may lose weight!
5. Tell yourself to be healthy.
Ok, so this sounds a little Secret-ish. But have you ever had an experience like this? You have a big project due on Wednesday. Many people around you are sick, but you tell yourself over and over that you can't get sick until after the project. You stay healthy, turn the project in, and wake up sick on Thursday morning. I know it's happened to me. So, apparently, what we tell ourselves really matters. On a larger scale, positive self-talk leads to reduced stress, which leads to better health.
6. Take a walk.
Human beings weren't made to sit for long periods of time. In fact, sitting for long periods of time (at work, on a plane, in a car, etc.) can cause all sorts of injuries, from the obvious back pain to the less obvious blood circulation to the less obvious reduced heart and lung efficiency. Scary! There are several series of slightly goofy-looking exercises you can do when you're in a situation where you have to sit for a long time, or you can just get up and walk. Walk around your cube, around the office, to the bathroom on the other side of the building. Just take the pressure off your spine and move around! In addition, walking is as effective (or more!) than running for physical fitness.
7. Relax your muscles the natural way.
Sure, muscle relaxants are good when you're in severe pain, but who wants to walk around like a zombie all the time? Ok, don't answer that! But there is a natural way to gently relax muscles. Quinine, generally given to combat malaria, also relaxes muscles. And the best part? It's available in tonic water (regular and diet) and bitter lemon, both of which you might have leftover as mixers from your last party. A glass of tonic water before bed can help your relax into your sleep.
8. Cultivate happiness.
Whatever makes you happy, do it (unless grisly murders make you grin--then consider your unhappiness a sacrifice for society's sake). Why? Because happiness has a strong correllation to health. No one seems to know quite why this is so, but studies show over and over that it is.
9. Relax your jaw.
Sort of like your hamstrings, your jaw is connected to lots of other parts of your body, though it particularly influences the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Relax the jaw and the tongue (make sure it's lying on the bottom of your mouth and not pressed up againt the top), and feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders let down. Apparently it's so effective, they're encouraging pregnant women to do it while in labor!
10. Avoid pollution as much as possible.
Most pollution is toxic. It's made up of things that are bad for your body. Even if it doesn't cause cancer or something else life-threatening, a cough, a sneeze, or a runny nose all get in your way. It's true that you often don't know when you're around a pollutant if it's not bother you, but avoiding the ones you do know about is a great place to start. Look for improved respiration, circulation, and happier eyes and nasal passages.

As they say in Ireland, may you live a long life, full of gladness and health. With a pocket full of gold, as the least of your wealth.

Amplificar el nivel de energia!

Feeling energetic is a key to feeling happy. Studies show that when you feel energetic, you feel much better about yourself. On the other hand, when you feel exhausted, tasks that would ordinarily make you happy—like putting up holiday decorations—make you feel overwhelmed and blue.
So here are some tips for giving yourself an energy lift.
1. Exercise—even a quick ten-minute walk will increase your energy and boost your mood. This really works! Try it!
2. Listen to lively music.
3. Get enough sleep. If the alarm blasts you out of a sound sleep every morning, you’re not getting enough—and it matters.
4. For some people, taking a 10-30 minute nap is a big help. I can’t nap, myself, but my father has been known to take three naps in one day.
5. Act energetic. Research shows that when people move faster, their metabolism speeds up. Acting energetic will make you feel more energetic.
6. Talk to friends. I’ve noticed that if I’m feeling low, and then run into a friend on the street, I walk away feeling much more energetic. Reach out if you need a boost.
7. Get something done. Crossing a nagging chore off your to-do list provides a big rush of energy. For a huge surge, clean out a closet. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel afterward.
8. Do NOT use food. It’s tempting to reach for a carton of ice cream when you’re feeling listless, but in the end, all those extra calories will just drag you down.
Energy (or lack of energy) is contagious. If you feel energetic, you’ll help the people around you feel energetic, too. And that makes them feel happier, too. In fact, studies show that being an energizer was one of the strongest predictors of a positive performance evaluation at work.

Trucos que nadie te ha pasado.

10 cositas que los de sotorpe tecnico no te han revelado!

Como mejorar el aspecto del Curriculum Vitae

July 30, 2007; Page R1

Admit it: For many of us, our work computer is a home away from home.
It seems only fair, since our home computer is typically an office away from the office. So in between typing up reports and poring over spreadsheets, we use our office PCs to keep up with our lives. We do birthday shopping, check out funny clips on YouTube and catch up with friends by email or instant message.
And often it's just easier to accomplish certain tasks using consumer technology than using the sometimes clunky office technology our company gives us -- compare Gmail with a corporate email account.
Security expert Mark Lobel of PricewaterhouseCoopers describes the most common things employees do on the internet to jeopardize company security.
There's only one problem with what we're doing: Our employers sometimes don't like it. Partly, they want us to work while we're at work. And partly, they're afraid that what we're doing compromises the company's computer network -- putting the company at risk in a host of ways. So they've asked their information-technology departments to block us from bringing our home to work.
End of story? Not so fast. To find out whether it's possible to get around the IT departments, we asked Web experts for some advice. Specifically, we asked them to find the top 10 secrets our IT departments don't want us to know. How to surf to blocked sites without leaving any traces, for instance, or carry on instant-message chats without having to download software.
But, to keep everybody honest, we also turned to security pros to learn just what chances we take by doing an end run around the IT department.
For hacking advice, we asked Gina Trapani, editor of, an online guide to being more productive on the Web; Leon Ho, editor of, a blog with a similar mission; and Mark Frauenfelder, founder of the wide-ranging blog and editor of the do-it-yourself technology magazine Make.
To find out the risks, we talked to three experts who make a living helping IT departments make the rules and track down the rogue employees who break them. They are: John Pironti, chief information risk strategist at Amsterdam-based IT-consulting firm Getronics NV; Mark Lobel, a security expert in PricewaterhouseCoopers's advisory practice; and Craig Schmugar, a threat researcher at security-software maker McAfee Inc.

Are tech departments withering away? We asked three experts from Accenture, American Express and Aetna to weigh in. Plus, join a discussion forum: How careful are you about your company's security? And what are your biggest frustrations with your company's IT department?
• See the complete Technology report.
Here, then, are the 10 secrets your IT department doesn't want you to know, the risks you'll face if you use them -- and tips about how to keep yourself (and your job) safe while you're at it.
* * *
The Problem: Everybody needs to email big files from time to time, everything from big marketing presentations to vacation photos. But if you send anything larger than a few megabytes, chances are you'll get an email saying you've hit the company's limit.
Companies cap the amount of data employees can send and store in email for a very simple reason: They want to avoid filling up their servers, and thus slowing them down, says messaging-research firm Osterman Research Inc., of Black Diamond, Wash. And getting your company to increase your email limit can be a convoluted process.
The Trick: Use online services such as YouSendIt Inc., SendThisFile Inc. and Carson Systems Ltd.'s DropSend, which let you send large files -- sometimes up to a few gigabytes in size -- free of charge. To use the services, you typically have to register, supplying personal information such as name and email address. You can then enter the recipient's email address and a message to him or her, and the site will give you instructions for uploading the file. In most cases, the site will send the recipient a link that he or she can click to download the file.

WSJ's Vauhini Vara interviews John Pironti, chief information risk strategist at Getronics NV, about just how damaging security screwups can be. Mr. Pironti will talk about the goofs he's seen -- and what they have cost companies.
Listen Now iTunes Archive RSS Feed More Info
The Risk: Because these services send your files over the Web, they're outside of your company's control. That makes it easier for a wily hacker to intercept files during their travels.
How to Stay Safe: Some of the services are more reputable than others. YouSendIt, for instance, is a start-up run by a former Adobe Systems Inc. executive and funded by well-known venture-capital firms. Others offer little information on their sites about themselves and could be more susceptible to security holes that could let a hacker steal your information.
If the site's backers aren't immediately apparent, there are other clues that can help. Look for a "secure" icon -- in Internet Explorer, it's a little lock on the bottom of the screen -- which signifies that the site is using encryption to protect its visitors' confidential information. A logo from a security company such as VeriSign Inc., meanwhile, means VeriSign has confirmed the identity of the site's owner.
* * *
The Problem: Many companies require that employees get permission from the IT department to download software. But that can be problematic if you're trying to download software that your IT department has blacklisted.
The Trick: There are two easy ways around this: finding Web-based alternatives or bringing in the software on an outside device.
The first is easier. Say your company won't let you download the popular AOL Instant Messenger program, from Time Warner Inc.'s AOL unit. You can still instant-message with colleagues and friends using a Web-based version of the service called AIM Express ( There's also Google Inc.'s instant-messaging service, Google Talk, accessible at There are Web-based equivalents of software such as music players and videogames, too -- typically, skimpier versions with fewer features than the regular programs.
The other approach to this problem is more involved but gives you access to actual software programs on your computer. All three of our experts pointed to a company called Rare Ideas LLC (, which offers free versions of popular programs such as Firefox and OpenOffice. You can download the software onto a portable device like an iPod or a USB stick, through a service called Portable Apps ( Then hook the device up to your work computer, and you're ready to go. (But if your company blocks you from using external devices, you're out of luck.)
The Risk: Using Web-based services can be a strain on your company's resources. And bringing in software on outside devices can present a security problem. IT departments like to keep track of all the software used by employees, so that if a bug or other security problem arises, they can easily put fixes in place. That's not the case if you've brought the program in on your own.
Another thing to keep in mind: Some less reputable software programs, especially underground file-sharing programs, could come loaded with spyware and make it possible for your own files to leak onto the Web.
How to Stay Safe: If you bring in software on an outside device, says Mr. Lobel, make sure you at least tweak the security settings on your computer's antivirus software so that it scans the device for potential threats. That's easy to do, usually through an Options or Settings menu. Likewise, if you use a file-sharing service, set it up so that others can't access your own files, also through an Options or Settings area.
* * *
The Problem: Companies often block employees from visiting certain sites -- ranging from the really nefarious (porn) to probably bad (gambling) to mostly innocuous (Web-based email services).
The Trick: Even if your company won't let you visit those sites by typing their Web addresses into your browser, you can still sometimes sneak your way onto them. You travel to a third-party site, called a proxy, and type the Web address you want into a search box. Then the proxy site travels to the site you want and displays it for you -- so you can see the site without actually visiting it., for one, features a list of more than 4,000 proxies.
Another way to accomplish the same thing, from Mr. Frauenfelder and Ms. Trapani: Use Google's translation service, asking it to do an English-to-English translation. Just enter this -- -- replacing "" with the Web address of the site you want to visit. Google effectively acts as a proxy, calling up the site for you.
The Risk: If you use a proxy to, say, catch up on email or watch a YouTube video, the main risk is getting caught by your boss. But there are scarier security risks: Online bad guys sometimes buy Web addresses that are misspellings of popular sites, then use them to infect visitors' computers, warns Mr. Lobel. Companies often block those sites, too -- but you won't be protected from them if you use a proxy.
How to Stay Safe: Don't make a habit of using proxies for all your Web surfing. Use them only to visit specific sites that your company blocks for productivity-related reasons -- say, YouTube. And watch your spelling.
* * *
The Problem: If you use a company-owned laptop at home, chances are you use it for personal tasks: planning family vacations, shopping for beach books, organizing online photo albums and so on. Many companies reserve the right to monitor all that activity, because the laptops are technically their property. So what happens if your -- ahem -- friend accidentally surfs onto a porn site or does a Web search for some embarrassing ailment?
The Trick: The latest versions of the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers both make it easy to clear your tracks. In IE7, click on Tools, then Delete Browsing History. From there, you can either delete all your history by clicking Delete All or choose one or a few kinds of data to delete. In Firefox, just hit Ctrl-Shift-Del -- or click Clear Private Data under the Tools menu.
The Risk: Even if you clear your tracks, you still face risks from roaming all over the Web. You could unintentionally install spyware on your computer from visiting a sketchy site or get your boss involved in legal problems for your behavior. If you're caught, it could mean (at best) embarrassment or (at worst) joblessness.
How to Stay Safe: Clear your private data as often as possible. Better yet, don't use your work computer to do anything you wouldn't want your boss to know about.
* * *
The Problem: You're catching up on work late at night or over the weekend -- but the documents you need to search through are stuck on your office PC.
The Trick: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and IAC/InterActiveCorp's Ask unit have all released software that lets you quickly search your desktop documents. On top of that, some will let you search through documents saved on one computer from another one. How does it work? The search company keeps a copy of your documents on its own server. So it can scan those copies when you do a search remotely.
To use Google's software -- among the most popular -- follow these steps on both your work and home PC. First, you'll need to set up a Google account on both machines by visiting (Be sure to use the same account on both computers.) Then go to to download the search software. When it's up and running -- again, do this on both machines -- click on Desktop Preferences, then Google Account Features. From there, check the box next to Search Across Computers. After that point, any document you open on either machine will be copied to Google's servers -- and will be searchable from either machine.
The Risk: Corporate technology managers offer this nightmare scenario: You've saved top-secret financial information on your work PC. You set up desktop-search software so that you can access those files when working from home on your laptop. Then you lose your laptop. Uh-oh.
Getting hold of your company's internal documents could give others insight into your plans, and losing certain information could have legal repercussions. In particular, myriad state laws regulate how a company has to react when it loses private information about customers or employees; most require notifying those people about the breach in writing. Sending those notifications can be costly for your company -- not to mention damaging to its reputation.
On top of that threat, researchers have found vulnerabilities in Google's desktop-search software that could let a hacker trick a user into giving up access to files, says Mr. Schmugar of McAfee. (Those vulnerabilities have since been fixed, but more could crop up, he says.)
Matt Glotzbach, product management director for Google Enterprise, says there are bound to be vulnerabilities in any software and that, to the best of his knowledge, none of the Google Desktop vulnerabilities were exploited by hackers. He adds that when Google finds out about a vulnerability, it quickly fixes it and notifies users.
How to Stay Safe: If you have any files on your work PC that shouldn't be made public, ask your IT administrator to help you set up Google Desktop to avoid accidental leaks.
* * *
The Problem: Desktop search aside, most people who often work away from the office have come up with their own solution to getting access to work files. They save them on a disk or a portable device and then plug it into a home computer. Or they store the files on the company network, then access the network remotely. But portable devices can be cumbersome, and company-network connections can be slow and unreliable.
The Trick: Use an online-storage service from the likes of Inc., Streamload Inc. or AOL-owned Xdrive. ( also offers its service inside the social-networking site Facebook.) Most offer some free storage, from one to five gigabytes, and charge a few dollars a month for premium packages with extra space. Another guerrilla storage solution is to email files to your private, Web-based email account, such as Gmail or Hotmail.
The Risk: A bad guy could steal your password for one of these sites and quickly grab copies of your company's sensitive files.
How to Stay Safe: When you're thinking about storing a file online, ask yourself if it would be OK for that file to be splashed all over the Internet or sent to the CEO of your company's top rival. If so, go for it. If not, don't.
* * *
The Problem: Many companies now have the ability to track employees' emails, both on work email accounts and personal Web-based accounts, as well as IM conversations.
The Trick: When you send emails -- using either your work or personal email address -- you can encrypt them, so that only you and the recipient can read them. In Microsoft Outlook, click on Tools, then Options and choose the Security tab. There, you can enter a password -- and nobody can open a note from you without supplying it. (Of course, you'll have to tell people the code beforehand.)
For Web-based personal email, try this trick from Mr. Frauenfelder: When checking email, add an "s" to the end of the "http" in front of your email provider's Web address -- for instance, This throws you into a secure session, so that nobody can track your email. Not all Web services may support this, however.
To encrypt IM conversations, meanwhile, try the IM service Trillian from Cerulean Studios LLC, which lets you connect to AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and others -- and lets you encrypt your IM conversations so that they can't be read.
The Risk: The main reason companies monitor email is to catch employees who are leaking confidential information. By using these tricks, you may set off false alarms and make it harder for the IT crew to manage real threats.
How to Stay Safe: Use these tricks only occasionally, instead of as a default.
* * *
The Problem: Anyone without a BlackBerry knows the feeling: There's a lull in the conversation when you're out to dinner or an after-work beer, and everyone reaches for their pocket to grab their BlackBerry, leaving you alone to stir your drink.
The Trick: You, too, can stay up to date on work email, using any number of consumer-oriented hand-held devices. Just set up your work email so that all your emails get forwarded to your personal email account.
In Microsoft Outlook, you can do this by right-clicking on any email, choosing Create Rule, and asking that all your email be forwarded to another address. Then, set up your hand-held to receive your personal email, by following instructions from the service provider for your hand-held. (That's the company that sends you your bill.)
The Risk: Now, not only can hackers break into your personal account by going online on a computer, they can also break into it by exploiting security vulnerabilities on your mobile device.
How to Stay Safe: There's a kosher way to access work email on some devices, by getting passwords and other information from your IT department.
* * *
The Problem: If you do have a BlackBerry, you've probably got a different problem: You want to get your personal email just as easily as work email.
The Trick: Look at the Settings area of your personal email account, and make sure you've enabled POP -- Post Office Protocol -- a method used to retrieve email from elsewhere. Then log in to the Web site for your BlackBerry service provider. Click on the Profile button, look for the Email Accounts section and click on Other Email Accounts. Then click Add Account and enter the information for your Web-based email account. Now your personal emails will pop up on the same screen as your company email.
The Risk: Your company probably uses a whole bunch of security technology to keep viruses and spies out of your files. When you receive personal email on your BlackBerry, it's coming to you without passing through your company's firewall. That means viruses or spyware could sneak onto your BlackBerry via a personal email, says Mr. Schmugar of McAfee. Worse yet, he says, when you plug your BlackBerry into your work computer, there's a chance that the malicious software could jump onto your hard drive.
How to Stay Safe: Cross your fingers and hope that your personal email provider is doing a decent job weeding out viruses, spyware and other intruders. (Chances are, it is.)
* * *
The Problem: You're doing some vital Web surfing and your boss turns the corner. What do you do?
The Trick: Hit Alt-Tab to quickly minimize one window (say, the one where you're browsing and maximize another (like that presentation that's due today).
The Risk: The good news is that there are no known security risks.
How to Stay Safe: Get back to work.

Primera impresión

Siendo un tipico geek anti social, lo ultimo que podrian esperar de mi son tips sobre socialización!

Tips para una muy buena primera impresión, por aquello de que "La primera impresión, nunca se olvida"

n Sonrie e inclinate para emitir un mensaje de cercania.
n Si estas de pie, mantente completamente de frente a tu interlocutor.
n Pregunta y da seguimiento a los comentarios de la demas gente, enfoca en la opinion y en los sentimientos, no solo en los hechos.
n No interrumpas.
n Ofrece cumplidos a los demas.
n Intenta encontrar experiencias e intereces comunes.
n Menciona algunas vulnerabilidades y riete de ti mismo.
n draw others out and encourage people to join the conversation.
n Pon energia en tu voz.
n at least at the start, focus on positive comments, not criticisms or complaints
n Ofrece una variedad de topicos.
n Comparte observaciones sobre la vida de todos los dias.
n Comparte tus pasiones e intereses
n don’t dwell on the minutiae of your life, especially annoyances
n remember: people give more weight to their early information (were you engaged, warm, distracted, pompous?) than to later information, so be your most charming at the beginning of the conversation
n remember: most people are more eager to be found interesting, funny, or insightful than to be interested, amused, or informed by you

Que hacer con tanta basura!

En el proyecto del hombre sin impacto ambiental, se definieron cinco areas donde podemos controlar la generación de basura, las cuales son: Basura (la cual intentaremos no crear nada), Transporte generador de carbon, (el que intentaremos no usar), consumismo (Intentaremos no comprar nada nuevo), alimentación sustentable (La obtendremos de un lugar cercano), Uso reducido de energia (usar la minima posible)
Sonara extremo—y lo es—but the fact is that we’ve found that it is tenable and possible and doesn’t make us feel deprived, which is one way of saying there is hope for the possibility of living on the planet without destroying it. But that’s not the topic of this post. This post, a list in no particular order, is about how we avoiding making trash:
No soda in cans (which means we’re probably less likely to get cancer from aspartame).
No water in plastic bottles (which means we get to keep our endocrines undisrupted).
No coffee in disposable cups (which means we don’t suffer from the morning sluggishness that comes from overnight caffeine withdrawal).
No throwaway plastic razors and blade cartridges (I’m staging the straightedge razor comeback).
Using non-disposable feminine-hygiene products that aren’t bad for women and are good for the planet.
No Indian food in throwaway takeout tubs.
No Italian food in plastic throwaway tubs.
No Chinese food in plastic throwaway tubs.
Taking our own reusable containers to takeout joints (except that now we’re eating local so this tip is out for us).
Admitting that we sometimes miss Indian, Italian and Chinese takeout.
Hopping on the scale and celebrating the loss of my 20-pound spare tire since I stopped eating bucketsful of Indian, Italian and Chinese takeout.
Buying milk in returnable, reusable glass bottles.
Shopping for honey and pickled veggies and other goods in jars only from merchants who will take back the jars and reuse them.
Returning egg and berry cartons to the vendors at the farmers’ market for reuse.
Using neither paper nor plastic bags and bringing our own reusable bags when grocery shopping.
Canceling our magazine and newspaper subscriptions and reading online.
Putting an end to the junk mail tree killing.
Carrying my ultra-cool reusable cup and water bottle (which is a glass jar I diverted from the landfill and got for free).
Carrying reusable cloths for everything from blowing my nose to drying my hands to wrapping up a purchased bagel.
Wiping my hands on my pants instead of using a paper towel when I forget my cloth.
Politely asking restaurant servers to take away paper and plastic napkins, placemats, straws, cups and single-serving containers.
Explaining to servers with a big smile that I am on a make-no-garbage kick.
Leaving servers a big tip for dealing with my obsessive-compulsive, make-no-garbage nonsense, since they can’t take the big smile to the bank.
Pretending McDonalds and Burger King and all their paper and plastic wrappers just don’t exist.
Buying no candy bars, gum, lollypops or ice cream (not even Ben and Jerry’s peanut butter cup) that is individually packaged.
Making my own household cleaners to avoid all the throwaway plastic bottles.
Using baking soda from a recyclable container to brush my teeth.
Using baking soda for a deodorant to avoid the plastic containers that deodorant typically comes in (cheap and works well).
Using baking soda for shampoo to avoid plastic shampoo bottles.
Using the plastic bags that other people’s newspapers are delivered in to pick up Frankie the dog’s poop.
Keeping a worm bin to compost our food scraps into nourishment that can be returned to the earth instead of toxins that seep from the landfills.
Switching to real—meaning cloth—diapers which Isabella, before she was potty-trained, liked much better.
Not buying anything disposable.
Not buying anything in packaging (and count the money we save because that means pretty much buy nothing unless it’s second hand).
Shopping for food only from the bulk bins and from the local farmer’s market where food is unpackaged and fresh.
Forgetting about prepackaged, processed food of any description.
Being happy that the result is that we get to eat food instead of chemicals.
Giving our second-hand clothes away to Housing Works or other charities.
Offering products we no longer need on Freecycle instead of throwing them away.
Collecting used paper from other people's trash and using the other side.
Using old clothes for rags around the apartment instead of paper towels.
Talking with humor about what we’re doing because making a little less trash is a concrete first step everyone can take that leads to more and more environmental consciousness.

sábado, 23 de junio de 2007

Como entrar a yahoo messenger por celular con sms

1. Qué hora es? 11:33 a.m.
2. Nombre y apellido. Julio Ramírez Suárez.
3. Cantidad de velas que aparecieron en tu último pastel de cumpleaños. Oh rayoz! no hubo pastel!.
4. ¿Estuviste enamorado anteriormente? Si, de mi primera novia.
5. ¿Estás enamorado? No, a donde estas pequeña?
6. Fecha de tu cumpleaños. 4 de Mayo
7. Religión.

8. ¿Te has emborrachado? Upps, este... no, pero no vallan a pensar que soy un freaky...
9. ¿Amaste tanto a alguien como para llorar? Sí.
10. ¿Estuviste en un choque de autos? Sí!, era un dia lluvioso, y rebotamos!
11. ¿Cómo andas vestido? Un comodo pantalón de algodon cafe, camisa de manga larga de cuadritos cafe claro, boxers con frutitas de colores, calcetines negros y zapatos negros.
12. ¿2 o 4 puertas? 100, bueno nunca se las he contado al metro.
13. ¿Sprite o Seven up? Agua pura.
14. ¿Cerveza o vino? Ambos contienen alcohol, prefiero agua. (No es escalofriante? solo un Freaky loco eligiría tal cosa)
15. ¿Café o té? té
16. ¿Sábanas lisas o con animalitos? Blancas y lisas.
17. Número de calzado. 8 1/2
18. Lugar para que te besen. Pues... no lo se!

19. Canción que estas escuchando en este momento. Deep Forest Boheme.
20. Flor. Orquideas.
21. Tema de conversación más detestado. Futbol, este... quien jugo? cuanto quedaron?, pues.. pues... es que no lo se...
22. ¿Dónde te ves en 10 años? Al lado de ella quien me ama igual que yo a ella, con un bebe lindo.
23. ¿De quién recibiste este mail?De nadie, lo copié del blog algun loco.
24. ¿Cuál de tus amigos vive mas lejos?

25. Lo mejor. Mi familia, y mis amigos.
26. ¿Quién piensas que te responderá este e-mail mas rápidamente? Este...
27. Mascota. Chispa

28. Mejores amigos. Todos.
29. ¿Qué cambiarías de tu vida? Estar con el amor de mi vida y no solo.
30. ¿Cuántos timbrazos antes de atender el teléfono? No lo contesto yo.
31. Video preferido.Musical, Este pues no se?

32. CD preferido.…
33. Grupo o cantante favorito. Narada
34. Lo primero que piensas en la mañana cuando despiertas. Es muy tarde para el trabajo!
35. Tormentas… ¿te gustan o te asustan?Me encantan, siempre que esté bajo un techo
36. Si pudieras ser otra persona, ¿quién serías? El que esta leyendo esto.
37. Algo que tienes puesto siempre y no te lo quitas. Mi palm.

38. ¿Qué hay en las paredes de tu habitación? Un espejo, un cd sonriendome, un conejito
39. ¿Qué hay debajo de tu cama? Libros, y zapatos

40. ¿Cuál es el auto de tus sueños? BMW Hydrogen 7.
41. ¿Cua Cua? Cua
42. ¿Quién te gustaría que la responda? Pues no lo se...

43. ¿Qué le dirías a alguien y no te animas? amis hermanos, que los quiero.
44. Colores preferidos. Blanco de la pureza, rojo pasión, azul del cielo al amanecer
45. Palabras que más dices."Data Warehouse", "Base de datos", "Que loco", "Oh, rayoz"
46. Comida preferida.Mexicana: Tacos, huaraches con costilla, sopes, quecas.

Hamburguesas, spaghetti y pizza.
47. ¿Qué buscas en tu pareja ideal? Que me ame y es todo.
48. ¿Qué le miras primero a ella? Los ojos, la nariz, la boca, las mejillas
49. ¿Prefieres noviazgo o free? Noviazgo…
50. ¿Qué es para ti la vida? Una aventura.
51. ¿Estas enamorado/a? No.
52. Canción favorita.

53. ¿Tienes un ángel? Si.
54. Momento más triste de tu vida.
55. ¿Beso o algo más? Beso y todo lo demas.
56. Persona más loca que conoces. yo
57. ¿Consideras como de la familia algunos de tus amigos? Si
58. ¿Coleccionas algo? hi tech gadgets
59. ¿Qué fobias tienes? fobia social.
60. ¿Qué piensas de la muerte? Por ahora estoy vivo, cuando este muerto me interesara.
61. ¿Te ha gustado algún/a amigo/a tuyo?Sí.
62.- Tiempo que tardas en arreglarte. 30 segundos o menos.
63. ¿Le darias un beso apasionado a la persona que te envio este corre? No, solo a la persona especial.
64. ¿Que estación del año te gusta más? Todas. si insisten, primavera
65. ¿A que lugar irías de vacaciones?A Japón.
66. ¿Te irias a vivir a otro país?Sí.
67. ¿Quién no te ha fallado nunca? Yo
68. ¿Frío o calor?Frío.
69. ¿Carta o mail?E-mail.
70. ¿La persona que extrañas?
71. ¿Qué te pone de buenas?
72. Caricatura preferida. Evangelion.
73. Película preferida.Uy, muchísimas. No podría elegir una.
74. Equipo de fútbol.Mexicano, ???!!!!
75. ¿Y tú darias un beso apasionado a algun@ de los que le mandaste este mail? Pues si es esa persona especial, si.
76. Programa de TV favorito.

77. Juego de mesa favorito. scrabble, ajedrez.
78. El peor sentimiento del mundo. Miedo.
79. El mejor sentimiento del mundo.Compasión.
80. Persona que quieras ahora mismo. Yo.
81. ¿Una almohada o dos? Una, muy planita.
82. ¿Duermes con peluches?No. pero estan en libreros a la vista.
83. Si pudieras teñirte el cabello de cualquier color, ¿cuál sería?No.
84. ¿Cuál es tu número favorito? Trece
85. Juguete favorito. Palm.
86. ¿Qué haces si alguien se quiere pasar con tu NOVIA/O? Le digo con mi poder jedi , "tu no estas pasandote con mi novia, y en este momento ya te vas"

87. Condimento favorito en una ensalada.Salsa.
88. ¿Qué no te gusta comer?
89. ¿Alguna vez nadaste desnudo?No.
90. ¿Qué deseo pedirías refiriendote a algo que quisieras que volviera del pasado? -ninguno
91. ¿Quién fue el primero que te felicito el dia de tu cumple? Mi hermano.
92. ¿Qué hora es?10:12 p.m.